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TWO WEEKS? What can I do with my kids?

Hey EFTers,

This past week has been crazy. We have seen how things went from normal to extremely weird. Going into spring break (March break) usually everyone is so excited and ready to go refresh and get their head straight for the last stretch to June. This year we were given some crazy news... we would not be returning (at the earliest) until April 6th. For parents this has proven difficult because they are having to stay home, this worries many because they do not know what to do with their children during these two weeks to keep them educated. For teachers, this has been difficult because we WANT to be at school. Though we are not sure when we will be returning we wanted to put together some resources for you to use throughout the next two weeks.

Before we list the resources we want to take a second to say as parents you are not educators. Your child is already having a hard enough time adjusting to not being at school. Have fun with your child throughout these two weeks. Learning comes in many forms, children learn through all things and so anything you are doing is learning in some way, shape or form.

Here are some home ideas:

1. Baking or cooking- this is great math with a real life application. Get them to look at the measuring cups and spoons. Explain how to and show the difference between volume and capacity.

2. The "Learn at Home" portal set up by the education minister.

3. Harry Potter Digital Escape Room: Who doesn't love Harry Potter. This online escape room takes you on a ride through the movies. Give it a try...

4. Design Challenges- Using lego is an amazing tool to create, tear down and rebuild. Complete these challenges daily to keep busy and learn at the same time. Take photos and share your buildings.

5. Reading and online resources as tools to continue to grow and learn.

These are just a few things to keep you going during the next few weeks.

Hope these sources help you and your families during this time. Together we will get through this.









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